Knockdown and Rebuild

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Knock Down or Move?

If your existing house is not what you need and, for example, is not big enough for your growing family you maybe considering selling up and moving on. However you love where you live and the kids love the school and you have all your friends nearby. The big question is do we move or rebuild? You need to do your sums and find out what you would get for selling and what would be all the extra costs of a new larger dream home somewhere else. You could find that for all the extra costs involved in moving to a new home you could in fact rebuild your dream home where you are. You may decide to renovate and extend your existing home. You need to be aware that in some cases this can be more expensive and you may not be getting rid of some of the real problems with your existing building – aged electrical wiring, aged plumbing, not the right construction for you extension plans, things are just in the wrong place to fit in a pool or garage.

Buildtek can help you make the right decisions and give you a real price for the project. No extras along the way – you will get an upfront price for the agreed package


The Knockdown and Rebuild advantages.

Design Freedom

One of the great advantages that comes with knocking down the existing building is the design freedom that a fresh start brings. Unlike renovations you are not restricted by the shortcomings of the existing structure. You are free to design a totally new home that best suits the plot. This can be a very exciting process as you have the freedom to design what you feel to be the important features for your dream home. It also means that you can incorporate modern sustainable and energy-saving materials that will  serve you well into the future.

Other advantages are that you are not moving from the place you love. You don’t have to move schools and you don’t have to get involved with stamp duty and Real Estate commissions. You are reinvesting in your existing land assets.

The importance of rebuilding is controlling your budget and finances whilst the build is in progress. Buildtek construction packages keep your costs to a known amount making it  easier for you to keep the lid on expensive blow-outs. Our friends at Redilend can offer great financial packages that help towards maintaining a well founded budget and controllable repayments into the future.

By keeping close management of your budget and providing package pricing Buildtek will ensure that your rebuild is as smooth as possible. You will not be paying huge architects fees and have huge building costs. With Buildtek you have the peace of mind in knowing the agreed price for the agreed project and your control over the inclusions. We won’t force you to have what you don’t want!


What about Renovating or building an extension?

If your property is in pretty good shape and you just need an extra room or a living room extension then extending is a great option. Or if you just need to improve parts of your house then renovating is the way to go. Take a look at our RENOVATIONS & EXTENSIONS page


Trust Buildtek for all your property projects

Contact Us Today for no obligation advise on rebuilding your dream home.

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